World of Sea Battle - Invitation for collaboration
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Логотип Wosb

Collaboration: YouTube, Twitch

We invite streamers and reviewers to collaborate with us!

We can provide you with special conditions, for example, give out some game resources, premium bundles and ships, as well as provide other types of support.

Each request is discussed individually! If:

✓ You wish to make a review, let's play or stream the game, or have posted videos about the game;
✓ Your channel has more than 5,000 subscribers;
✓ The content of the videos complies with the norms of morality and ethics;
✓ Your videos on the channel have a total of more than 10,000 views, and each of your videos in the past month has 1,000 or more views.

Please contact us by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page, including a link to your channel and information about the desired event.

Collaboration: Communities, websites

We can provide you with special conditions, for example, premium packages and temporary accounts with ships and equipment, and other conditions or bonuses. They can be submitted to create reviews and notes on the game, in your communities or on specialized sites, or as a reward.

Please contact us using the link at the bottom of the page.

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